Hi, I’m Vaughn!
Hey besties! I’ve known I wanted to become a blogger since I was a little girl. I’ve even started a couple of blogs before this one! Each time would end up the same way. I would get a spark of motivation big enough to get my whole website set up and then: nothing.
See, I STRUGGLED with consistency. I would get a couple of posts up, sometimes I’d stick with it for at least a couple of weeks but then I would give up because some obstacle or another would get in my way and it felt so much easier to just stop. I could always excuse it by saying that I had too much school work or that I had to be able to pay my rent. Somehow, in my mind, it was so much easier to say I was busy, sometimes even adding things into my schedule like I was trying to justify being too busy to blog. I found myself burnt out and with diagnoses like anxiety and depression under my belt.

Slow Living and Journaling Saved Me
It wasn’t until I found slow living, the concept of taking our time with just about everything in order to truly appreciate it, that I realized just how silly I had been. So about a year ago I said “to hell with it!” and applied to a job that paid enough for me to live the same lifestyle with half the shifts I worked in my minimum wage retail job.

A year later, I still have anxiety and depression, but it no longer controls my life. So now here I am, 25 years old, no excuses, and still the same dream of being a blogger. So my next step was to figure out what to write about. Thankfully, this one was a no brainer to me. Slow living just about saved my life, and journaling is what helped me become aware of just how big an impact slow living had on my life. By combining the two, I find that I no longer have such a hard time being consistent. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a struggle, but I’m getting better by the day and now I’m here to help others see the same change in their lives.

Vaughn Beaumont
Musing between the lines.